The ever-changing face of Google

The ever-changing face of Google

Website Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an ongoing process.

When we refer to SEO we are generally talking about optimising a website to improve its ranking on Google. When it comes to internet search engines, Google rules the roost with 90% of the internet search traffic. There are of course other search engines on the net, Bing, Yahoo and DuckDuckGo, to name a few but the maximum impact is via Google.

Google’s search algorithm takes into account more than 200 factors that we can effect by helping steer your website.

Google is constantly changing its user interface and its search algorithm to keep pace with the ever-changing nature of online content. Google’s goal is quite simple, to provide the most accurate and trustworthy results from a search.

Google wrote, “Our search algorithms are complex math equations that rely on hundreds of variables, and last year alone, we made more than 3,200 changes to our search systems.” A decade ago Google made between 350 and 400 changes a year to its search algorithm. Roughly 1 a day. In 2017 Google made more than 3200 changes, about 7 or 8 a day! Website SEO is and needs to be an ongoing process.

So, how does your site rank on Google? If your site does not rank well then you are probably losing out on valuable revenue. You need search engine optimisation.

We highly recommend that you engage an SEO to maximise the return on your website investment.

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